Citation Resources

Citation Generators

The following tools can be used to generate both in-text and works cited citations in MLA or APA.

EasyBib is a citation generator that provides options for MLA, APA, and Chicago style citations. You can also add an EasyBib plug-in to GoogleDocs to allow for integration of citations. Please see this tutorial from the EasyBib website for more information.

Citation Machine uses an easy to use 3 step process to create your citations in MLA, APA, Chicago, and many more.

Created by Calvin College, Knight Cite helps beginning and advanced researchers properly cite sources in MLA, APA, Chicago, and Turabian.

Citation Checklists and Guides

This checklist provides an easy-to-use inventory for checking your citations.

Created by the Lane Library, this guide provides a basic overview of MLA 8 citation conventions for Bibliographies and Works Cited.

This guide provides a basic overview of APA citation conventions for Bibliographies and Reference pages.

This document provides a quick orientation to using EasyBib, including helpful visuals and step-by-step instructions.